Dying Embers Cover

A free short story for you!

One betrayal can change everything.

Dimitri Cordova has spent the past six years at the Pinchetti Military Academy training to be the best he can be. At fifteen, he is the youngest squad leader in the academy’s history, earning the respect of many, and the hatred of some. 

When he receives word that the Chancellor of Sitreea will be visiting the academy, he’s desperate to make a good impression. 

But could the day he’s been dreaming about all his life twist into a nightmare he can never recover from?


Welcome! I am THRILLED to have you here, and excited to share this free short story with you. Dying Embers provides a piece of the backdrop to Recruit of Talionis, and I can’t wait for you to dive in.

I would love to hear from you, and I hope you enjoy Dying Embers!

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CJ Milacci

About C.J. Milacci


CJ Milacci seeks to take her readers on a grand adventure that begins with a single word. As a referee, she is always relearning the hard lesson that it’s impossible to make everyone happy, and she’s discovered that stories can be found anywhere, even on a lacrosse field. She is passionate about crafting stories of good overcoming evil, finding hope in the midst of seemingly hopeless circumstances, and true acceptance. Always willing to get real about hard issues, C.J. also enjoys the cheesiest of puns. She chats about writing, her faith and the hope found in Jesus, bubble tea, and other fun adventures online (@cjmilacci) and at cjmilacci.com. Read more about CJ here.

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