C.J. Milacci

Hi, I’m C.J. Milacci and I write stories for teens and young adults that explore deep themes in exciting settings with heart pounding action while pointing to the source of true hope. I love Jesus and His word, and I’m passionate about sharing about Him and the life-changing hope and freedom He offers. I have experienced this hope in my own life in the best of times, and the hardest, most painful, of times, and I have witnessed its power at work in the lives of others. My prayer is that you will experience it too!
I love having deep conversations and getting real about hard issues (throw your questions my way! I’d love to start talking with you 🙂 ), and I have enjoyed many such conversations in my time working in youth and young adult ministries for over 10 years.
But, I am not always serious 😉
I’m a huge fan of yo-yos (they are fun. Give them a chance); I love roller blading, bike rides, and hikes; I referee sports I never played (long story lol); and find creating to be therapeutic — whether it’s through writing, photography, water coloring, or cooking. I’m from just outside of Philly (Philadelphia for you non-East Coasters), but I hate the cold, long winters. Tropical getaway, anyone? Please? Oh, and I ADORE ethnic foods and experiencing different cultures — God made us all in His image, and I find I see the beauty of that reality when surrounded by people who aren’t all exactly like me.
All of that to say, thank you for visiting and finding out a little about me! I want this to be a place where you feel loved and accepted and where you can find hope in the moments when you feel like you’re drowning in your pain. I’d love to get to know YOU. Please contact me and tell me a little about yourself. Oh, and sign up for my newsletter to receive my latest updates and exclusive offers.
Talk to you soon!
Hope and peace,
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