Singleness is a powerful gift, one so many don’t realize they have until it’s gone, and I am so excited to share with you an episode I did with Megan from She Lives Purposefully.
The pressure to be in a relationship is everywhere in our culture, but, sadly, it’s also in the church. And that stinks, because some of us aren’t in a relationship and we can’t exactly see any options on the horizon. Why is this? Satan loves to take something God made to be good and twist it and pervert it and make it something God never intended it to be and I think that’s what has happened with relationships. If he can get us to believe that we aren’t enough, or we’re missing something, or that we’re never going to fulfill our purpose without a man in our lives, or that God really can’t possibly satisfy us… well, that will undoubtedly keep us from walking where God wants us to today right? I mean, if I’m so incredibly focused on getting married, if I pour all of my energy trying to find the right guy, I will end up ignoring and missing out on everything God has in front of me today.
But I’m here to tell you singleness is NOT a plague! You are complete in Christ, even if you aren’t married, and God has a purpose for you right now. Today. And in this episode with Megan, we dive into how to discover that purpose. If you’re struggling with singleness, or if you want to better use this single season of your life, I encourage you to listen to this episode!